Monday, June 6, 2022

Is the Cada C66006 Steamed Bun Shop Minifig scale?

Hey brick fans, welcome back to!

Today we will be answering that nagging question about whether the Cada C66006 Japanese themed steamed bun shop is minifig scale or not.   

First off, I'd like to thank for generously providing me this set to review. is a new seller of alternate Lego sets and they carry all the latest brands such as Mould King, Cada and more.  The name of the store is derived from the words A Fan Of Brick, hence AFOBRICK.  

The unique Steamed Bun shop was designed by Tong Xin Jun whose alias is ExeSandbox.  I'll be doing a separate post where I'll show you the build pictures of the completed set.  For this post though, I wanted to see how minifigure friendly the bun shop actually is.

I decided to do a test build, ie with none of the stickers or lights that come with the kit.  I put together the first floor in about 3 hours, taking my time to familiarise myself with the instructions (I'll talk more about those in my next post).

Here's the steamed bun building with only the main floor constructed.  I've introduced our minifigure guy who will give you a tour and give you a sense of scale and proportion.

The Cada bun shop is approximately 11 studs high.  When I make my building MOCs, I usually aim for a height of about 9 or 10 studs in height for my main floors. I think the designer added an extra stud layer to give the building more strength and stability.  I will leave it at 11 studs high for now and see how it looks next to my other modular buildings.  Otherwise, I might reduce the main floor height by one stud.

Here's our minifigure guy in front of the vending machine.  It's just a tad taller than I would like, but I think the potted plant and the blue garbage bin are perfect scale for my minifigure.  I've got a couple of other vending machines from my other modular buildings that are more minifig scale.  I think I could sub them in at some point down the road.  The vending machine from the Happy Build Coco Colo truck would be a good size.

Where one notices the greatest disparity in scale and size is the height of the counter and the stools.  The top of the counter is might be a bit too high.  No problems with the scale of the sign board and freestanding sign.

I noticed that this was a similar issue with the Sembo branded Japanese stalls, where the Shaved Ice shop and Takoyaki stall also had super high counters.

I would try to lower the height of the counter to make it minifigure waist level and replace the stools with smaller ones.  That would allow people to see the buns on display more clearly.  Right now, I feel like they are partially obstructed by the signage above.

There's two steps up to the platform where the kitchen is.  I would probably remove the step up and give the bun master more headroom and maybe some overhead shelving.  I don't like where the bun steamers are so high, that they might topple over.

One might think that the stairs to the second floor are super steep, but I've visited some shops in Japan where the steep stairs are a reality.  I've got no issue with the staircase at the moment, although my minifigure friend might disagree.

So that's the quick tour of the Cada Steamed Bun shop.  Let me know if you think it's minifig scale or not?  Would you make the same changes that I've suggested or would you leave everything as is?  Feel free to leave your comments below.

In my next post, I'll do a proper build complete with stickers and lights, and second floor too!

If this building interests you, you can find it on the website.  I think their price is pretty competitive with other sellers and they offer free shipping too.
And if you use my code ITSNOTLEGO at checkout, they will give you another 5% discount.   I get a tiny commission from any sale, and you get a better price!

That's all for now, bye!

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