Thursday, April 4, 2019

Not Lego City Bus MOC, originally Sluban

Hmm, I wonder when the bus is going to show up today?

 It finally came!  It's a new bus for Its-Not-Lego town. I made this one based on the design of the Sluban city bus model M38-B0330, which is also part of my brick collection.  Except that I used different building block pieces from my parts stash to create this bus, not just Sluban bricks.

 I might need to make a sticker to show a route name on the front of the bus.  The front of the bus has lots of details like the mirrors, and the streamlined front grill with headlights and turn signals.

The back of the bus has taillights and a license plate.

 It was easier for me to put the door in the middle of the bus than to put it up front.

 The door in it's open position.

 The roof of the bus comes off in panels.  Here's how it looks inside.  There's only enough room for three seats plus the bus driver.  Might be standing room only during rush hour.

I like that the windows are tinted on the bus.

I've ordered the Sluban double decker bus, which I'll compare to my own when I get it.

So this will be the fourth bus in my town collection.  Here's a list of the busses I have so far:

Sluban City Bus M38-B0330 (modified)
Wange Bus 30132
Enlighten Sightseeing Bus 1123
My own City Bus (Sluban design)

Thanks for looking!