I made another Lego compatible modular building and I call it the Newsstand Modular. On the ground floor, I used the FunWhole Newsstand set F9023 and the top two floors are modelled after the design of the FunWhole Record store F9058.
You can get both of the FunWhole sets here: https://www.funwhole.com/?ref=tN9EBQmQ
I mounted a crossbeam over the interior to attach a ceiling mounted light fixture.
Here's the Newsstand modular building next to my other custom FunWhole set, the Chili Dog Stand.
I retained as much of the original FunWhole Newsstand as I could but I had to sacrifice the ornate parisian style roof design in order to convert it into a multi-level building. You can find my review of the original Newsstand set here: https://bricktoyreviews.blogspot.com/2023/11/i-got-to-preview-new-lego-compatible.html
I sourced the coffee brown bricks from Aliexpress to make the upper floors.
For visual interest, I added some masonry bricks, also from Aliexpress, around the windows.
Each of the floors and the roof can be removed if desired. I used random third party lighting elements to light up the interiors of each floor, however the top two floors have yet to be furnished (future project).
I've misplaced the original FunWhole minifigure, I probably used him in another set, so I just grabbed this older Stan Lee lookalike to takeover the Newsstand.
Being a FunWhole inspired set, I should at least include one Funwhole minifigure in my pictures.
A stack of newspapers sits on the curb. Can you find the easter egg?
I'm just using plain old lighting wires for each of the floors. I wish I had some of those nice wireless contact pads that FunWhole uses in all their newer sets.
At the rear of the building, it's quite plain, with only a door and window, but there is a surprise.
Yup, I took a page out of the FunWhole Record Store design and turned the interior into a sliding compartment.
So you can view the interior from above and if you want a closer look, you can pull it right out. In this custom interior of the newsstand, I've added a computer workstation with mouse keyboard and seat. On the wall I have some other newsworthy items. There's also a table with a chili dog! and tunes from a sound system.
There are sliders on the floor to allow easy insertion of the interior tray.
A few more random shots.
Simply insert the tray back into the building.
I added an extra drink stand on the side, it will get lit up by the interior lights and will be visible through the side window.
More easter eggs! There's enough room to squeeze a bed and night table behind the newsstand.
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